KiliPads is a social business and community health project made up of two women from Msitu wa Tembo and Londoto, Marian and Margret, working in the area of menstrual health management. KiliPads aims to increase the level of knowledge regarding menstruation and to decrease the social stigma surrounding it, while also making and selling re-usable sanitary pads to increase the resources available to women in the village to manage their menstruation.

Support Kilipads to provide Access to Menstrual Products for more Young Women.
Donate to bring reusable sanitary pads to more women in rural Tanzania!
What we are doing
Since 2016, KiliPads made a lot of progress in order to address the lack of knowledge regarding menstruation and increase the resources available to manage it. They have been facilitating workshops and presentations on menstrual health in the community in order to raise awareness regarding menstrual health and promote the product at the same time.
KiliPads is renting a workshop that acts as their working place and selling point. They have started selling the KiliPads in the community and at women-focused events. They are improving their skills of managing the business and are decreasing their reliance on TATU.

Mariam and Margret, leaders of Kilipads, have also identified other income generating activities using their sewing and business skills.
What we achieved
The KiliPads social business involves two women from the community of Msitu wa Tembo and Londoto, and is a collaboration between these women and TATU Project. KiliPads works toward two objectives: making menstrual hygiene management available and affordable, and raising awareness about healthy menstrual hygiene management for women and girls in the community.
Since 2014, KiliPads has made many achievements. After intensive health trainings, the women are enthusiastically providing workshops in schools and community groups about women’s health and hygiene. Thanks to sewing and business trainings, the women are making great strides to run their business independently and sustainably. KiliPads produces high quality and affordable reusable sanitary pads to sell in their community and in the larger region.
With support from donors and partners, KiliPads is now providing free reusable menstrual pads to girls in schools who otherwise may not be able to afford hygienic products.

Our team
The KiliPads business is run by two women from Msitu wa Tembo and Londoto, and is assisted by a project manager, Namnyak and a coordinator (volunteer) from TATU Project to ensure the business is progressing and will achieve long-term sustainability.
Next steps
- The upcoming objectives for the business are for the women to continue to produce and sell KiliPads in their workshop and secure contracts with local pharmacies and shops in the community. They will also continue to make connections with other community groups and schools in order to broaden the scope of their trainings and seminars.
- They will continue to improve the women’s health seminars they teach, and market KiliPads in order to broaden their customer base.
- The women will eventually take over full management of all aspects of the business, no longer requiring the assistance of TATU Project. Until then, TATU will continue to work in partnership with KiliPads to secure contracts and improve sales.

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social business that is dedicated to supporting Maasai women from Msitu wa Tembo and Londoto.